How to Tie the Pink Pepto Squirmy Wormy

From: AvidMax

Tod the crew at Avid max bring us a squirmy worm variations they call the Pink Pepto Squirmy Wormy a simple and effective fly pattern that’s perfect for attracting fish with its squirmy, lifelike movements. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tie this vibrant fly.


  • Firehole 718 Hook

  • Firehole Matted Tungsten Bead (Pink)

  • UTC 140 Wax Thread

  • O&O Lead Wire (20 wraps)

  • Caster Squirmy Wormy Material (Pink)

  • UV2 Pink Ice Dub

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare the Hook and Bead:
    Secure your Firehole 718 hook in the vise. Slide the pink Firehole Matted Tungsten bead onto the hook, followed by 20 wraps of O&O lead wire to add weight.

  2. Tie in the Thread:
    Start your UTC 140 wax thread behind the wire wraps and secure it firmly to the hook shank. Build up a small thread base over the wire to help the materials stay in place.

  3. Form the Body Profile:
    Work your thread slightly back down the hook shank, using the curvature of the hook to shape the body of the worm.

  4. Add the Squirmy Wormy Material:
    Measure out the caster squirmy wormy material so it extends just a bit past the hook shank. Attach the material to the top of the hook using loose wraps of thread, then secure it with a few wraps in front and behind to avoid cutting through the material.

  5. Wrap the Squirmy Wormy Body:
    Begin wrapping the squirmy wormy material around the hook shank, creating four to five wraps until you reach the bead. Capture the material with a few loose thread wraps to secure it in place.

  6. Apply the Dubbing:
    Apply a small amount of UV2 Pink Ice Dub to the thread and use it to secure the squirmy wormy material. Make sure everything is nice and tight as you finish the body.

  7. Finish with a Whip Finish:
    Perform a whip finish to lock everything into place, securing the fly.

  8. Final Adjustments:
    Trim any excess material and make sure the fly is secure. You’re ready to go!


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