Step-by-Step Guide: How to Tie a Small Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail
With: InTheRiffle
In this guide, you get walked through the steps to tie a small soft hackle pheasant tail, a pattern perfect for smashing fish during hatches. This fly combines the classic pheasant tail body with a soft hackle for added movement in the water, ideal for lots of situations, and can be tied in a variety of sizes to match your local hatch.
Materials Needed:
Daichi 1560 Hook
Vivas 12/0 Black Thread
Pheasant Tail Fibers
Small Copper Wire
Peacock Hurl
Partridge Feather (for soft hackle)
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Start with the Hook and Thread:
Begin by placing the hook in your vice. Attach the thread to the hook shank and secure it firmly.
Tie in the Pheasant Tail Fibers for the Tail:
Select six pheasant tail fibers for the tail. Tie them in so they extend to about half the length of the hook shank. Secure them in place with a few tight wraps of thread.
Secure the Copper Wire:
Tie in a small piece of copper wire along the hook shank, running it back towards the tail. This will add segmentation to the body and provide extra durability.
Tie in the Pheasant Tail Fibers for the Body:
Take a few pheasant tail fibers, align their tips, and tie them in at the back of the fly. Keep the wraps tight and secure, leaving some space near the hook eye for the soft hackle.
Wrap the Pheasant Tail for the Body:
Begin wrapping the pheasant tail fibers forward to form the body. Leave a small gap near the hook eye for the soft hackle and thorax.
Counter Wrap with Copper Wire:
Take the copper wire and counter wrap it in the opposite direction of the pheasant tail fibers. This secures the body fibers and creates a segmented effect. When done, trim any excess wire.
Build the Thorax:
Tie in a small piece of peacock hurl and wrap it around the hook to form the thorax. Keep it light to avoid overpowering the soft hackle. Leave about a hook length of space behind the hook eye.
Prepare and Tie in the Soft Hackle:
Select a small partridge feather, stripping the fluff at the base. Clip the tip of the feather and pull back the fibers, exposing the very tip. Secure the feather at the base with hackle pliers.
Wrap the Soft Hackle:
Gently wrap the partridge feather around the hook in front of the thorax. Be careful not to crowd the hook eye. Secure the soft hackle fibers in place with thread wraps.
Finish the Fly:
Gently pull back the soft hackle fibers and secure them with a couple of wraps of thread. Whip finish and trim any excess.