How to Tie the Stimulator Dry Fly | Step by Step guide

With: McFly Angler

The Stimulator is a versatile dry fly that imitates stoneflies, caddisflies, and even hoppers, making it a must-have in any fly box. Follow these steps to tie your own high-floating, durable version of this classic pattern.

Step 1: Secure the Hook and Start Thread

  • Place a long-shank curved hook (size 10, 200R) in your vise at a slight angle.

  • Start your brown 10/0 Veevus thread about two to three eye lengths behind the eye.

  • Snip off the tag end and wrap the thread back to the start of the hook bend.

Step 2: Tie in the Tail

  • Cut a small clump of deer hair (Stimulator patch preferred), removing any fuzzy fibers.

  • Use a stacker to align the tips.

  • Measure the tail to about the length of the hook gap and tie it in with loose pinch wraps, gradually tightening.

  • Trim excess hair at an angle and clean up the thread wraps.

Step 3: Add Ribbing Wire

  • Secure a section of extra-small gold wire along the side of the hook.

  • Wrap the thread forward to bind the wire in place, stopping just before the tail.

Step 4: Create the Abdomen

  • Apply orange dry fly dubbing to the thread, forming a thin tapered noodle.

  • Wrap the dubbing forward, creating an even taper until about two-thirds up the hook shank.

Step 5: Hackle the Abdomen

  • Select a brown dry fly hackle (two sizes smaller than the hook, approx. size 14).

  • Strip the base fibers and tie in the hackle perpendicular to the hook.

  • Palmer the hackle down the abdomen in even wraps.

  • Counter-wrap the gold wire forward, securing the hackle while wiggling it to avoid trapping fibers.

  • Helicopter off the wire and trim excess hackle.

Step 6: Tie in the Wing

  • Cut a larger clump of deer hair for the wing, removing fuzz with a comb.

  • Stack the tips and remove any broken fibers.

  • Measure the wing length to extend halfway into the tail.

  • Tie in with two loose wraps, then secure with tighter wraps.

  • Trim the excess at an angle and clean up the head.

Step 7: Add Thorax and Front Hackle

  • Tie in a slightly larger grizzly hackle (approx. size 12).

  • Apply yellow dry fly dubbing, wrapping it loosely behind the hackle and tapering it toward the eye.

  • Palmer the grizzly hackle forward in 4-5 wraps.

  • Secure the hackle with thread, making a few wraps over it before trimming excess.

Step 8: Finish the Fly

  • Whip finish and apply a water-based head cement to the thread wraps.

  • Clear the hook eye if necessary.

Materials List

  • Hook: Long-shank curved hook (200R, size 10)

  • Thread: 10/0 Veevus, brown

  • Tail: Deer hair (Stimulator patch or similar)

  • Ribbing: Extra-small gold wire

  • Abdomen: Orange dry fly dubbing

  • Abdomen Hackle: Brown dry fly saddle hackle (size 14)

  • Wing: Deer hair

  • Thorax: Yellow dry fly dubbing

  • Front Hackle: Grizzly dry fly saddle hackle (size 12)

  • Head Cement: Loon water-based head cement


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