How to Tie: The Buyout Emerger Pattern for Baetis Nymphs

The Buyout Emerger is a classic pattern with a subtle twist on the traditional Baetis nymph, created to stand out in waters that have already been heavily fished.

Materials List:

  • Hook: Size 18 Tiemco 101

  • Thread: Gray 14/0 Vivus

  • Tail: Brown Spade Hackle or Rooster Hackle

  • Body: Gold to light brown Turkey Biot

  • Dubbing: Gray Muskrat or Beaver Dubbing

  • Wing Case: Olive Dunn Antron or Gray Floral Fiber

  • Head Cement: Optional for darkening the thread

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Start the Thread Base

Begin by attaching the gray 14/0 Vivus thread to the hook shank around the 75% mark and create a smooth thread base that extends back to the bend of the hook.

Tie in the Tail

Select a brown Spade feather or rooster hackle for the tail. Tie it in at the bend of the hook, making sure it’s sparse. The tail should be cut to about a shank length, resembling a natural shuck.

Prepare and Wrap the Body

Take a gold-colored turkey biot and tie it in at the bend with the ribbed edge facing down. Apply a small drop of Zappa Gap to help secure the biot. Begin wrapping the biot forward in overlapping turns to create a tapered body. Secure the biot at the 75% mark and trim off any excess.

Attach the Wing Case

Cut a small piece of olive Dunn Antron or gray Floral Fiber and divide it in half. Tie the Antron in at the front of the abdomen and anchor it in place, leaving a bit of space for the thorax.

Build the Thorax

Using gray muskrat or beaver dubbing, create a small, robust ball for the thorax just behind the wing case. Build it up with a slightly larger profile than usual, and ensure the thread is at the front of the thorax for the next step.

Fold the Wing Case Over

Bring the two halves of the Antron forward to form the wing case. Tie it down behind the hook eye. Split the fibers into two equal parts and fold them back on either side of the thorax, making sure they are aligned properly.

Finish the Legs and Head

Trim the Antron wing case and the legs just behind the wing case to form short emerger legs. Build a prominent thread head, slightly larger than normal. Whip finish the head, remove the thread, and add a small amount of head cement to darken the thread and match the dubbing color.

Trim the Legs

Trim the legs behind the wing case to just a short length, giving the fly a clean and compact profile.


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