How to Tie the Bead Head Prince Nymph: A Step-by-Step Guide

With : Stone River Outfitters

The Bead Head Prince Nymph is a widely recognized and deadly fly pattern, perfect for targeting stream-run trout worldwide. Here's how to tie this proven and essential fly, step by step.


  • Hook: Daichi 1560, size 12 (or any 1x to 2x long, sizes 10-18)

  • Bead: 8mm gold round bead

  • Thread: Danville 70 Denier Fly Master Thread, color red

  • Lead Wire: Soft brown lead wire (size 0-0)

  • Tail: Rusty brown goose biots

  • Ribbing: Gold UTC Ultra Wire, size brassy

  • Body: Peacock herl

  • Hackle: Brown hen neck feather

  • Wing: Bright white goose biots

  • Head Cement: Wapsi head cement

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Hook:

    • Start by attaching a round gold bead to the front of the hook. Choose an appropriately sized hook (size 10–18), and make sure the bead fits snugly against the hook eye.

  2. Add Lead Wire:

    • Cut a 3-4 inch piece of soft brown lead wire. Wrap it tightly around the hook shank, just behind the bead, using 12-15 turns. Pinch off any excess and position the lead wire snugly against the bead.

  3. Secure the Thread:

    • Start your red thread just behind the lead wire and secure it tightly. Trim any excess thread to clean up the workspace.

  4. Tie in the Tail:

    • Take a pair of rusty brown goose biots and measure them to about the length of the hook shank. Mount them on top of the hook, evenly spaced, using tight thread wraps. Trim any excess.

  5. Add the Rib:

    • Take a 3-4 inch piece of brassy-sized gold UTC ultra wire. Secure it at the rear of the hook with tight thread wraps, leaving some space for the body.

  6. Create the Body:

    • Select 4-5 strands of peacock herl, even them up, and attach them to the hook with tight thread wraps. Form a dubbing loop and spin the herl into a tight rope, then wrap it forward to create the body. Tie off the excess herl and trim it neatly.

  7. Add the Ribbing:

    • Using the gold UTC wire, begin wrapping it forward in the opposite direction of the herl body, creating evenly spaced segments. Tie off the ribbing securely and trim the excess.

  8. Tie in the Hackle:

    • Choose a soft, webby brown hen neck feather. Stroke the barbs downward and mount the feather behind the bead. Fold the feather's tip back and secure it with tight thread wraps.

  9. Add the Wing:

    • Take a strip of bright white goose biots, cut them to a V shape, and mount them on top of the hook, just behind the hackle. The tips should be even, and the wing should be the length of the body. Trim the excess.

  10. Finish the Fly:

    • Build a smooth thread collar just behind the bead and whip finish tightly. Trim the thread and apply a small amount of head cement to secure the wraps.

  11. Final Adjustments:

    • Adjust the wing position with a bodkin if needed. Apply a final sweep to dress the fly and ensure everything is aligned.


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