How to Tie a Simple and Effective Foam Beetle Pattern

With: Trident Fly Fishing

This simple foam beetle pattern is perfect for catching fish and is quick to tie. Follow these easy steps to create your own version of this classic fly!

Materials Needed:

  • Daiichi 1170 hook (size 12)

  • Uni-thread (black)

  • 2mm foam (cut with a foam cutter)

  • Peacock herl (8-10 fibers)

  • Hairline Life Flex silicone rubber legs

  • Whip finish tool

  • Scissors

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Start the Thread Base

Begin by securing the hook in the vise and placing a thread base on the hook shank using black Uni-thread. Start by wrapping down the hook shank and back up to create a base for the foam to sit on, ensuring it stays in place.

Step 2: Attach the Foam Body

Take a pre-cut piece of 2mm foam, and tie the skinny end onto the hook shank, ensuring it is secured tightly on top. Wrap it around the shank to cover the entire body, then compress the foam and bring the thread back toward the front.

Step 3: Add the Peacock Herl Body

Tie in 8-10 strands of peacock herl by breaking off the tips for a clean tie-in. Wrap the herl around the hook, letting the thread hold it tightly as you wrap, ensuring a smooth and tight body.

Step 4: Secure the Foam

Once the peacock herl is tied off, pull the foam over the body and secure it tightly with a few wraps of thread. This forms the beetle’s body and ensures the foam is locked in place.

Step 5: Add the Rubber Legs

Tie in two lengths of Hairline Life Flex silicone rubber legs on either side of the beetle. These durable legs will help the fly float well and resist rot. Trim them to the desired length after tying them in.

Step 6: Attach the Hot Spot

Cut a thin strip of 2mm foam (about 1-2mm wide) and tie it in as a hotspot, using a color that contrasts with the body, such as orange or chartreuse, for visibility.

Step 7: Finish the Fly

Whip finish the fly to secure all materials and ensure the fly is tightly bound. Trim any excess thread and foam, then trim the rubber legs to length. For aesthetics, you can round the front of the foam body.


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