How to Target Golden Dorado: Tips from the Jungle Angler

With: jungleangler

We recently had the chance to catch up with Marcelo, the visionary behind Untamed Angling, and we got into the heart of his wild journey—both as a passionate fly fisherman and the mastermind behind one of the most sought-after fishing destinations in the Amazon. We dove into what makes chasing Golden Dorado so unique, what drives his love for the jungle waters, and how he built a sustainable fly fishing model in some of the most remote parts of Bolivia and Brazil.

Marcelo, you've built a reputation as a true explorer of jungle waters. What first drew you into fly fishing, and how did that passion evolve into founding Untamed Angling?

When I was a child, my father introduced me to the art of fishing in the Paraná River. From that moment on, I was enchanted by the mysteries of the creatures inhabiting that vibrant world of water and jungle. However, as time went by, fishing in the Paraná River became increasingly challenging due to the encroachment of civilization. This prompted me to venture into more remote and inaccessible jungles in search of my favorite fish: the dorado.

Through my explorations, I discovered that the truly untouched locations for catching dorado were primarily found in reserves, indigenous territories, or national parks. Motivated by this realization, I set out to develop a model of sustainable fishing tourism specifically designed for these pristine areas. At that time, my architecture studio had only one client — the largest supermarket chain in Argentina. Through completing numerous projects for them, I gained valuable insights into the essential concepts required for shaping a commercial enterprise.

Armed with this knowledge, I began to apply these principles when designing the project model for Untamed Angling. My goal was to create a repeatable concept that could be adapted to various natural reserve areas that shared similar characteristics.

The Golden Dorado is one of the most sought-after species by anglers. Can you share what makes chasing Golden Dorado in the Amazon so unique compared to other fly fishing experiences?

Fishing for dorado in the headwaters of the Amazon offers a unique experience unlike any other. The landscape is a stunning blend of the pre-Andean foothills and the Amazon rainforest—it truly resembles “Pandora” in the real world. The rivers are small, shallow, and crystal-clear, allowing us to fish while hiking and wading. Often, we have the opportunity to sight-cast, fishing directly to the fish we see.  

The dorado is the quintessential game fish: a striking apex predator that is not only beautiful but also demonstrates remarkable agility and strength, jumping and fighting like a saltwater species. It stands out as the only fish the color of gold among thousands of species within the ecosystem, adding to its allure. Moreover, the dorado is completely unpredictable, exhibiting a wide and complex range of behaviors that keep every fishing trip exciting.  

What are the top three tips you'd give to someone looking to target Golden Dorado for the first time?

1. When you feel the strike of the dorado (and trust me, you will feel it), you should set the hook firmly using your left hand (if you're right-handed) along with the rod. This technique is known as a scissor strip.

2. To prevent break-offs during the hook set, it's essential to have trustworthy gear and tackle. Always inspect your leader before casting, as a simple scratch or a poorly tied knot can cost you the fish of a lifetime.

3. Your primary focus should always be on maintaining tension. Reeling in the line is not crucial; only do so when the fishing situation demands it. I've witnessed many seasoned anglers lose a sizable dorado due to the habit of reeling in the line too soon. Given that the head and mouth of the dorado are composed entirely of bone, if you lose tension—even for a brief moment—you significantly increase your chances of losing the fish.

Starting Untamed Angling and opening lodges in such remote locations must have been a huge undertaking. What was the initial inspiration for opening these lodges, and how did you overcome the challenges of doing so in the Bolivian and Brazilian Amazon?

I have always approached projects from the perspective of an angler rather than that of a businessman (and I continue to do so). The formula is straightforward: let's identify the best fishing spot, regardless of any logistical, political, social, or geographical challenges, and then we will determine how to tackle these issues and whether it’s feasible to establish a venture there.  

Often, people lose sight of their objective because they become preoccupied with the obstacles that emerge on the way to that goal. I prefer to adopt a different mindset—thinking "outside the box." First, I envision the ideal fishing location for a specific species, and once that idea has captivated me, I begin to devise ways to convert that spot into a premier fly fishing destination.

When you’re in the jungle chasing Golden Dorado, what’s your favorite moment or experience that always stands out, even after all these years?

The dorado's leap at the moment of striking evokes a sense of admiration that is mirrored in the eyes of every angler—regardless of their background—as well as in the expressions of indigenous people and guides. When the dorado bursts from the water and momentarily suspends itself in the air, it rekindles the same feeling I experienced as a child in the Paraná River.

What’s next for you and Untamed Angling? Any exciting plans to expand or new fishing adventures on the horizon?

I constantly find myself with new plans and projects. Some time ago, I set aside the notion of remaining idle and halting my progress, despite the well-meaning advice from those who care about me. The truth is that I have come to realize that what brings me the greatest joy is exploring and discovering new fishing locations, as well as dreaming of new adventures.


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