How to Tie the Flying Squirrel Nymph | Step-by-Step Guide

The boys at Trident Fly Fishing are going to be showing us how to tie the Flying Squirrel Nymph, a versatile pattern that combines elements of the Bird’s Nest and Red Fox Squirrel Nymph, creating a buggy, fish-catching design that's easy to tie and effective in sizes 12 through 18.


  • Hook: Daiichi 1710, size 14

  • Bead: 7/64” gold tungsten bead

  • Lead Wire: 0.015”

  • Thread: UTC 70 Denier in Wood Duck color

  • Tail: Mallard Flank Feather (Gold Wood Duck)

  • Ribbing: Ultra Wire (small, gold)

  • Body: Dave Whitlock’s Red Fox Squirrel Dubbing (Abdomen)

  • Legs: Mallard Flank Feathers (Gold Wood Duck)

  • Thorax: Dave Whitlock’s Red Fox Squirrel Dubbing (Thorax)

  • Head Cement: Lou's Water-Based Head Cement

Step By Step Guide :

Step 1: Attach the Bead and Lead Wire

Begin by mounting a gold tungsten bead on your hook. Then, tie in 0.015” lead wire behind the bead to add weight. Secure it by building a small dam with your thread and running it forward, forcing the lead into the back of the bead.

Step 2: Tie in the Tail

Next, tie in several Mallard Flank Feather fibers on top of the hook, measuring them slightly shorter than the hook shank length. This will form the tail of your nymph.

Step 3: Attach the Ribbing

Tie in small gold Ultra Wire on the near side of the hook right behind the bead. Run your thread down to the base of the tail, preparing for the body.

Step 4: Create the Abdomen

Form a small dubbing noodle with Dave Whitlock’s Red Fox Squirrel Abdomen Dubbing and wrap it around the hook shank, creating the abdomen. Leave the front third of the hook shank bare for the thorax.

Step 5: Rib the Body

Take the Ultra Wire and make open spiral turns up the body of the fly to create the ribbing. Tie it off at the front of the abdomen, cutting away any excess wire.

Step 6: Add the Legs

Tie in Mallard Flank Feathers for the legs, making sure they extend back to the bend of the hook. Distribute them evenly on both sides of the fly.

Step 7: Create the Thorax

Form a dubbing loop with Red Fox Squirrel Thorax Dubbing and spin it into a spiky, messy appearance. Wrap the dubbing around the front third of the fly to create the thorax. Secure the dubbing with thread and trim any excess.

Step 8: Finish the Fly

Whip finish the fly using your whip finish tool and trim the thread. Add a small amount of Lou’s Water-Based Head Cement to the head of the fly to finish.


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